January 20, 2009Comments are closed.dogs
Lucky for me, when I added my first dog to my household I was great friends with an amazing behavioural trainer, my mate Vix. Along with many other fantastic tricks of the trade (crate training, clickers and The Other End of the Leash), she also taught me the value of teaching dogs not to snatch […]
Continue readingJanuary 18, 2009Comments are closed.dogs
Read this It’s fascinating.
Continue readingJanuary 13, 2009Comments are closed.dogs
Today’s Courier Mail includes an article in response to the recent death of a child in Whitton, NSW. And while this could have been used as an opportunity to suggest sensible behaviour when interacting with dogs, it is instead a sensationalised piece by someone who is clearly desperately afraid of dogs and keen to inspire […]
Continue readingJanuary 11, 2009Comments are closed.attitude, dogs
Check out this video of Ian Dunbar on TED, speaking on changing behaviour with positive feedback and not the often preferred manner… a good old fashion nag; There’s some shardenfreuder there, that we actually take delight in people getting things wrong so that then we can moan and groan and bitch at them. And this I […]
Continue readingJanuary 10, 2009Comments are closed.dogs
If it’s foreseeable, then it’s preventable; goes the saying in the industrial sector, where the creation of a ‘safety culture’ has become big business for big business. Late last year I was invited along to a lovely meal and night out for the WA Work Safety Awards as part of my hubby’s work. Surprisingly, the topic of developing […]
Continue readingDecember 19, 2008Comments are closed.dogs
The Assistant Dog Care Manager, John tells Ellen how he came to be an animal lover. He then describes how he helped rescue 22 of the canines involved in the Michael Vick dogfighting scandal. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dAeQfUgPtI] And this lovely tale of a wee bulldoggy. Gosh, I love DogTown :) Finding a home for a squat’y bulldogish […]
Continue readingAugust 18, 2008Comments are closed.dogs, marketing
“The problem with designer dogs is people might think they’re trendy — and that’s not a good reason to buy a dog” – rescuer Did you know the original ‘designer dog’ was a marketing initiative to help find a guide dog association puppy raisers? Although Royal Guide Dogs always had a waiting list of families wanting to […]
Continue readingAugust 1, 2008Comments are closed.attitude, dogs
A program in the US helps young people take pride in having well behaved dogs instead of fighting dogs. Watch this video – you’ll be glad you did.
Continue readingJune 13, 2008Comments are closed.dogs, shel
As a fur parent I spend a lot of time trying to provide the best life for my dogs. When it came to choosing each of them I researched a suitable breed. I spent a lot of time choosing friends for them to socialise with and I give them an interesting toy-filled environment. Having worked […]
Continue readingMay 3, 2008Comments are closed.attitude, dogs
no furbabies shud evr be on de street wif no home….not everz!
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