January 26, 2009Comments are closed.shel
There was a spider at the front of our house. Suspended between two trees I only started noticing her because she was big, and growing more enormous every day. Unlike other spiders, she was granted a protection order (ie. Andy, my partner, was under strict instructions not to knock her down) as I thought she looked […]
Continue readingJanuary 18, 2009Comments are closed.No Kill, shel
Saving Pets blog turns 1 today! Looking back to that very first post (WA) Cat, cats everywhere!! (two exclamations, not just one :) it was easy to see that I was needing some sort of an outlet. Now, I see that starting to blog was about getting the jumble of information I had in my […]
Continue readingNovember 22, 2008Comments are closed.PetRescue, shel
This morning I was on ABC radio with James Lush promoting PetRescue and holiday adoptions. And what a lovely bunch the people at the ABC are! A huge thanks to James, Fiona and Paula and of course Daniel the pup from SAFE! Some pics…
Continue readingOctober 26, 2008Comments are closed.attitude, shel
I think as agents of change, we’ve all felt like this little fishy at some point…
Continue readingSeptember 29, 2008Comments are closed.attitude, PetRescue, shel
If you’ve ever procrastinated about making a phone call, or had your throat close while giving a presentation or sweated profusely while you stumbled through an interview for your rescue, then I feel your pain. Hi, my name is Michelle and I’m a introvert. And everything I’ve both been working for, and desperately dreading has […]
Continue readingSeptember 1, 2008Comments are closed.council pound, No Kill, PetRescue, RSPCA, shel
The Australian Animal Welfare Strategy or AAWS (pronounced ‘aws’) is an initiative of the Australian Government’s Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, with input from state and territory governments, industry and community. The AAWS and has the goal for producing a national strategy for animal welfare in Australia. Today was the first day of their […]
Continue readingJune 27, 2008Comments are closed.shel
After two days at the vet to have a lumpy bumpy cut off him, Ajax is now on bed rest. Rather than have a day off, I asked my boss if it’d be ok to bring him to work today and being the cool cats that they are, they’ve said yes! Now for a temperamentally challenged poppit […]
Continue readingJune 13, 2008Comments are closed.dogs, shel
As a fur parent I spend a lot of time trying to provide the best life for my dogs. When it came to choosing each of them I researched a suitable breed. I spent a lot of time choosing friends for them to socialise with and I give them an interesting toy-filled environment. Having worked […]
Continue readingApril 11, 2008Comments are closed.PetRescue, shel
Hey guys, Sorry I’ve not been around – have started a new job and so have been flat out! Good news is, it’s for a PR company so I’m hoping I can share lots of what I’m doing here… And, do you know what the most excruitating thing in the world is? Sitting and pressing […]
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