4 comments to “No Kill and the belief in abundance”

  1. marnie webb | December 2, 2010 | Permalink

    I love this take — the idea that you aren’t building an organization with a set of beliefs but working to make a community that will support that set of beliefs.

  2. Rosemary | December 2, 2010 | Permalink

    I don’t know… maybe our problem over here is that we’ve almost succeeded but now we’re losing ground because the community by and large still thinks the main problem is too many animals whereas things have moved on and the problem of finding enough money to save treatable animals is the key issue.

    That creates an issue of trust because it appears that we’re continually greedily appealing for funds and less for people who want to help with practical animal care.

  3. savingpets | December 3, 2010 | Permalink

    Fund raising is a science and a black art ;) but I do think those who will be the most successful at it in the future are those who recognise that along with the benefits of this new level of ‘connection’ to our supporters, comes a new level of obligation.

    Whereas in the past people were happy to donate a couple of times a year to whichever major animal charity got to them first, people are wanting to know more about groups and their work than ever before.

    There used to be ‘broadcasts to supporters’ – now there’s a constant feedback loop. They want to ‘own’ their community organisations. They want weekly or even daily insight into operations. They want to be able to show off their ‘membership’ to particular organisations to their friends.

    Harness that need to connect, and it’s incredibly powerful. Try to sit in a crystal palace, keeping a strategic distance from your supporters… and those small grassrootsy groups, the ones who almost do this naturally, they’re gonna offer something you can’t and steal away your resources.

    Having worked for large animal welfare orgs, I know they often do this connection *really* badly. They are still under some illusion that their ‘brand’ will be enough to keep people rushing to support them. “We don’t need to answer to them, we’re the (insert name of large animal org here)”.

    But the truth is the future is changing. As commercial businesses are realising conversation is king, so must we non-profits if we want to keep our supporters connected to our missions.

  4. Rosemary | December 3, 2010 | Permalink

    I’m less concerned about “resource stealing” by other grassroots animal rescue groups – who cares, so long as the work gets done – than about people becoming disillusioned with the idea of getting involved in practical animal welfare altogether, because it’s not what they expect.

    The National Society (as opposed to the branches) is trying quite hard to show what’s actually being done on the ground – see for example their twitter feed which is copied directly from the control centre data (hence the shouty all-caps) http://twitter.com/RSPCA_Frontline

    Part of the time, I guess the answer is to be thankful for the things that do touch people’s hearts – even if the result is inconvenient http://www.rspca.org.uk/media/news/story/-/article/EM_Time_to_throw_in_the_towel_on_our_seal_appeal_Oct10

    But I still wish the kindly person in Sweden had sent a cheque instead!