5 comments to “Before you start a Facebook page for your pound”

  1. andrew | January 8, 2015 | Permalink

    Interesting article. Pity you simply point out the problem and don”t even consider a solution.

    Also, it is nonsense that you need a specialised skill set to run a good page, if you have time, you can do it. Facebook is simply not rocket science.


    • savingpets | January 9, 2015 | Permalink

      Facebook is not rocket science, no. But it is also not the right fit in all instances. This is not so much a ‘problem’ to be solved necessarily, so much as a fact.

      Running a good page – especially on behalf of a government agency – DOES take skill. And you’re right, it does take a significant time investment. If you happen to be blessed with these skills, and have time, and this leads to you having success WONDERFUL. But the point of this article is to introduce the idea that effective social media campaigns don’t just happen. And in many instances, when you’re dealing with restrictive agencies like local government, the wild-west nature of social media just simply isn’t appropriate.

  2. jet | January 8, 2015 | Permalink

    We use both, and cross reference. We have a webpage of our own too. I am learning very quickly about managing FB and it’s vagaries but it is a bit annoying that they keep changing the rules. We have started going old school making posters to put up in vet offices and at community notice boards because we are looking at branching out!

    • savingpets | January 9, 2015 | Permalink

      Jet – this could be extremely relevant, with a recent Australian study showing 50% of pet owners consider veterinarians the BEST source of information about pets. If your vet will talk about with your work with their clients, it may just be an extremely valuable relationship!

      • jet | January 10, 2015 | Permalink

        That is indeed interesting :)