358 comments to “Thomas”

  1. Lisa Bossman | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    I know your pain all to well, I had been caring for a stray kitty I named Midnight and he was as sweet as can be, I had many cats already but wanted to try and find Midnight a good home with less cats to have issues with if that would have even happened. I decided I would take him to the shelter and if the couldnt home him I would keep him and adopt him. I bawled like a baby the whole way there filling out the paper wprk and saying good by as I had grown very fond of him.
    I called the next day to see how he was handling things and if they felt he was an adoptable cat and reminded them again I would adopt him if there was any trouble.
    this went on for four days and on the last day the woman told me he had been killed due to hissing at a worker there…I was heart broken. I yelled at the woman I said I would adopt him,, she stated I had listed him as a stray on the paperwork so I had no rights to him. I have dispised the Humane society ever since. I work now with a group called Feline Friends.. they TNR and adopt out strays who are in need of a good home despite havomg some degree of issue.
    Humane… My Ass… Never take a beloved pet there its a death sentence.

  2. Andrea Macina | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    I too am crying over the loss of this beautiful creature that was a victim of twisted humans who should ,+( be near animals!!! I am so sorry for your loss. These pctures speak volumes to the sweet gentle soul Thomas was and to the lovely home he had and could have remained in for a good long life. “Et’s pray for justice for all animals.

  3. Carol | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    They should never have put Thomas down, as long as someone wanted to adopt him!! What a terrible shame, these people rather kill an animal then give him to a good, loving home!!!!!
    This should never, happen again, it is very disgusting!!

  4. Phia | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    I am shocked!! This is not right. Sadly this sort of stories continue all over the world. It also happenend in our city at the animal rescue enter. They killed some dogs before they ever evalued this dogs in a proper way. Very, very, sad and it makes me very angry! I

  5. Eckart | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    It´s a shame! It is sad that talking couldn´t help, but you always need people who are open to understand and who have the courage not to follow the rules blindly.

  6. Carolynne | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    Blessings for the time he had with you, and blessings for all your loving efforts to give this boy the happy life he deserved. I am so so so sorry for your loss, OUR LOSS, and SHAME on the RSPCA for their laziness, their poor in-house communications and their extremely ruthless, careless action. Peace to you. Xoxo

  7. Susan | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    This is absolutely sickening!!!!! This “so called” caring organization is a crock of shit!!!!! CLOSE THEM DOWN!!!!!!! Who ever heard of such idiotic BS!!!!!

  8. wendy | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    So sad, the RSPCA kill more animals then they actually save rest in peace Thomas, sweet boy x

  9. Suzanne Wilson | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    Rest In Peace, Thomas. You’re in a better place. At least you had a taste of real love while you were on this earth. God loves animals; they don’t have to have a soul to go to Heaven!

  10. Sheri | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    Shame on you RSPCA. The family should have been able to adopt Thomas. To the family that took good care of Thomas, I am so sorry for your loss. I am an animal lover. Separation Anxiety can be fixed if you work with the animal.

    • Laine | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

      Yes Sheri, lots of rescues have separation anxiety. So would you if your family or “pack” dumped you and disappeared!
      When I adopted my gorgeous (almost totally blind) 12yo Chinese Crested two years ago he was so sad and dreadfully depressed. I researched his background to find he had at least four owners in as many months! Weeks of love, attention, and good food later his spirit gradually returned. Now he is one very spoilt and happy little chappy ; b

  11. artie | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    Disgusting they choose to put down a healthy normal dog who wanted a loving home but instead put him to sleep…..
    This is wrong & they need to be looked into….

  12. cat | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    Sadly, I hear stories like this about big animal charities that are supposed to be humane far to often. My advice to anyone wanting to help shelter animals is to find a small NO KILL rescue, do your research, volunteer for them and find out how they treat their animals ect. If you feel that the organization is worth your money and commitment then raise money for them instead. Small rescues usually do not get any government funding and can not afford the big publicity that places like the RSPCA can, they therefore always struggle to find donations and foster homes and would love the help. PLEASE do not give up fostering, there is no better way to honor Thomas than to help another dog, for a group that you feel is deserving of your commitment. I am so sorry for your loss.

  13. M. Diane Ryan | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    That shelter should be closed down. How horrid of them. People like that should not be near animals.

  14. Ellen Baer | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    So what if he had separation anxiety disorder! Big deal! Since when is that an excuse to kill a dog.

    Outrageous! Whoever allowed this needs to be fired. They should have adopted out the dog to the foster people or allowed the dog to be fostered longer. Dumb people.

  15. Fiona Thomson | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    A heartbreaking, dreadful story. Hopefully this will be shared by everyone that sees it. I would never give to the RSPCA.

  16. Glenn | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    They need to closed down that center! They need to be accounted for!

  17. Marina Thompson | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    You should go public on this. This is insane. I have read other stories about the RSPCA that they show dogs on pictures to say they need a home and they have already been killed. They are hypocrits, that’s why I don’t donate any money that way. I don’t think the money you send in any way goes to those poor animals they put down. They feed them poorly as they poo everywhere and its not cleaned up on a regular basis. I would rather pay for one dog to go into a boarding kennel then put them in the RSPCA and I did find a dog years ago who I did take there and then someone called me to say she was going to be put down on account of not liking the cage they put her in and she was too old. My son went down there and said that she was HIS dog and they let him take her as she wagged her tail when she saw him and rushed to him when she came out of that cage. That’s the only way to do it, go back and get that dog and say its yours, you could always get rescue to get a home for the dog or keep it yourself. I DONT HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR THE RSPCA when this happens.

  18. Marina Thompson | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    The RSPCA should be held accountable and yes I would sue.

  19. Jude Belcher | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    I cannot understand their reasoning. We adopted a 2 y.o. dog from Victorian RSPCA who had been returned twice because of severe separation anxiety and a few behavioural problems because she had been left alone for long periods of time and some dogs don’t cope with this. Therefore this branch of the RSPCA were willing to give her a third chance. We now have a lovely, naughty and funny dog who has been with us for almost a year, along with her best friend, our aging German Shepherd and she is perfectly o.k. as long as she isn’t left alone for long periods of time without her best friend.

  20. Janetcanary | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    I broke down crying when I read the sad sorrowful story of the unnessary and untimely killing of THOMAS.I have been a doggy foster mom for over ten years.109 dogs have been in my home as my foster or ive rescued them from certain death.I have had at least twenty five of those dogs suffering from seperation anxiety.I was able to help some overcome their anxiety while the others never did.For those who didnt I made sure to get them adopted by familys where by someone was always home and the family was made very aware of their issues and were still wanting to adopt them.This RSPCA didnt have to kill thomas .They could have found a family for him if they had tried.It sickens me that the animal agencys are not caring about the animals in their care.To them its so much easier to uthenize such a sweet dog than have to do a little work and find the rivht family for thomas.I volenteer for rescue groups to foster dogs and would never foster for the aspca , rspca or the humane society of the usa because they kill the dogs and cats too easily.

  21. RoseMarie Urban | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    That is too wrong. Your hurt and pain must be indescribable. I will sign the petition.

  22. theresa | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    I was also sadden to read Patrick’s story. I too don’t understand how they coukd come
    to a decision to kill a loved, happy puppy on the road to mend. I wish the people. that dud
    this get replaced with true animal lovers not killers.
    . .

  23. Madeleine | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    Never, never leave an animal at a vet, let alone a so called rescue centre. They think they know best. On the rare occasoions I need to take an animal to the vet – mostly sterilisation – I stay there and wait. I will never abandon an animal to the fate of vets – whom I distrust as much as I do doctors.

  24. Ann Mosblech | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    They should have someone put them down. It seems to me they put him down the night you brought him there. They had all intentions of putting him down the minute he cried. The fuckers.

  25. Christina Ryder | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    We have a rescue group and also organize volunteers at our local shelter. This story is so horrifying and I can’t believe an organization could be run like this. I know that our local SPCA would never do something like this when there is even the smallest chance for an animal to be saved. I truly hope this website will generate people to respond to this and bring to light the cruelty of the RSPCA. These people should be investigated for animal cruelty, something they are supposed to be preventing.

  26. Peter Trapp | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    Sadly this is not the first case like this, and equally sadly I am sure it will not be the last. I can understand the need on occasions to euthanaise a dog because it has behavioural issues, but in this case a third party was willing and eager to work on the problem. On that basis the RSPCA was not under any immediate pressure for a decision – if rehab worked out they got their dog back (without the problem) and if it failed, well everyone had given it a try. From experience working with a ‘no-kill’ shelter no dog (or very few) are beyond rehabilitation and/or re-homing.

    • Laine | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

      I agree with everything you said Peter. For whatever reason the RSPCA continue to employ total imbeciles. How is it that an organization that advertises their humanity, and ask us to report animal cruelty, allow this kind of thing to happen on there own premises? It beats me!

  27. Sheree Kiley | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    I am dumbfounded & have tears in my eyes! Even the photos show the beautiful energy this dog had. I have a dog which is nervous & I know if he was with anyone else he wouldn’t be alive today. He is beautiful in nature just very sensitive.
    I cannot understand the attitude of the RSPCa at all, when a home was being offered why have him put down. I never knew they were like this until I found Mark Singer on the web & my eyes have been opened. Unbelievable!

  28. Deb S. | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    This is so sad. I can’t believe they killed this beautiful puppy when there were so many other options for him…I’m so sorry for your loss. This is why I so much wish I had a place to take in animals….these places are horrible, no matter where you are.

    Thank you for taking him in and for the time you were able to spend with him.

  29. mikechesty | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    I am absolutely disgusted by this story. I will never ever understand why these organizations hire people who clearly hate animals. I have never met one person yet at any spca facility that truly cares about the animals…. they are there for their own self aggrandizement…. to be some self appointed arbiter of who is good enough…. and never with the best interest of the animal at heart. where are your politicians…??? where is Elle Woods when you need her. every one of these a-holes should be taken out and bitch slapped.

  30. Carol Adams | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    Here in HK it’s call SPCA now very much the same. I took my cat in and was advised to put it down and end his suffering and threaten of legal prosecution “ cruelty to animals“ when I refused. Took him home nursed him back to health 6+ yrs later he is still alive and well. Wrote to notify them of the situation that the 1st course of treatment was to take a life away response was I was lucky! I have never gone back to them since!

  31. Margaret Robitaille | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    I don’t know what is going on over there! They take away people’s dogs because they look like pittbulls and now this poor baby. That dog looks so happy in those pictures, comfortable w/his friends, not having anxiety issues. I’m so sorry they lied to those caring people like that. I thought doctors were suppose to give life not take it? May that poor, sweet baby rest in peace and always know this family did love him very much.

  32. kelly sullivan | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    Alot of theses shelters are getting the wrong people in management I wonder sometimes if they even like animals I think they need to be held accountable for the deaths and 3 or more sign off .Thomas had a short life with you but one of love and companionship my heart goes out to you for your unnecessary loss.

  33. Sheree | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    After crying over Thomas’s story I went to the RSPCA site & filled in the Report a Case of Abuse about the Yagoona RSPCA. I hope they are thoroughly investigated. What’s wrong with these people?

  34. eliz | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    RSPCA, you are murderous. No better than thugs and convicts. You are criminal and a danger to society. You are full of malevolence and may you all suffer a horrible fate in your lives. You are disgusting and sick and only God knows what evil and wicked things you are doing to animals in your care. You should all drop off the face of the earth and I hope somebody will shoot your heads off.

  35. Waynette Parraga | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    Why is it always Australia!! What is wrong with the people of this country!?
    We should boycott travel here!! I pledge to never go there or buy anything from them.
    Until their animal rights policies have been changed!

    • Marina Thompson | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

      The people in other countries also have problems with their version of the RSPCA, so don’t blame us Australians for something that is beyond our control just like in your country.

  36. Courtney | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    This is such a sad story. This is horrible thinking they put him to sleep just cause he had seperation anxiety! I feel so sad for the owners of Thomas:-‘(

  37. Joe Gregory | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    This is a travesty! This organization should be shut down! Filthy pigs!

  38. Nicole | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    This is an absolute abomination! :( What a senseless act of cruelty! I’m appalled and sorry for the loss for these people and for the for Thomas for losing his young life.

  39. Susan | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    Oh my God. This made me cry, but it does not surprise me at all. Not where the R.S.P.C.A. are concerned. I volunteered at one of their Country Victorian shelters some years ago. That’s when I believed in them. After working there for a short time and leaving because of the things they do, my feelings about them have done a major 360. I will never support them again. I hate them and I rarely use the word hate. I shake my head any time I hear a mention of them. I don’t know what their purpose is.

  40. Anita | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    Separation anxiety is not a terminal disease. It is a behavior problem that can be overcome with time and training. What a callous bunch of creeps those RSPCA people were. Damn shame.

  41. Barbara | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    Heartbreaking… I dont understand the RSPCA and am hearing too many stories like this to ever support them again

  42. sue | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    I have done a rehab course with the RSPCA and found them to be totally immuned to helping or retraining dogs. All dogs are stressed when they find themselves at the pound so we don’t need murderous over eager people looking through the cages for their next victim. I personally witnessed them putting to sleep perfectly good, well balanced dogs without making any effort to rehome them.

  43. Anna | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    I suppose some competent body should start an investigation into their books. Millions of dollars are donated to this organisation in order to help them to protect, not to kill homeless animals. And they chose to kill in order to save money on food and medical care, so they have more (money) for the staff wages. They hide the figures (for the public) how many they exterminate, so their (RCPCA) existence is justified. Not difficult to work out their tactics…

  44. Lee | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    As an animal lover & rescue person. I decided to research the U.S. ASPCA.
    1. Exec’s earn a six figure income per year.
    2. Animals are now being gased in record numbers.
    3. Black dogs are rarely given a chance to be adopted. When I was a volunteer I was told that black dogs especially mixed breeds are usually “put down”.
    4. Small dogs like chihuahuas are also difficult dogs to adopt out because small dogs ***USUALLY*** only bond w/1 person & wouldn’t fit into a family home.
    I pray everyday to find a way to open an animal shelter along with a homeless shelter on a nice piece of property…a woman can dream!!

  45. Faye | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    It is so sad that Thomas was put down and that yall were willing to continue caring for him. My heart goes out to you and your family. I am appalled at the shelters that kill animals when they do not have to. I think more stories need to get out there and I appreciate you for sharing yours. We have to speak up for those animals because they can’t do it for themselves. God Bless.

  46. Steve | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    As I am a true advocate for animal welfare a friend forwarded this petition for me to sign. After reading the story I came to the decision that I am unable to support such a petition. The circumstances of Thomas’ euthanasia, whilst tragic to the individuals involved, does not justify the wholesale vilification of the RSPCA that forms the basis for the petition and threads that followed it. To argue that the RSPCA are not doing the job that they are chartered to do through the use of clearly biased and emotive language does little to promote the cause of animal welfare and serves only to ostracise the broader community and general public.

    A far more pragmatic and balanced view with an argument supported by facts rather than innuendo is needed. In order to facilitate such critical thinking rather than the present conformist propaganda I wish to provided some factual information on just one RSPCA shelter (admittedly in a different state)

    The shelter I refer to was established at a cost of some 27 million dollars and has some of the most advanced veterinary equipment of any animal hospital in Australia, of the 27 million dollar cost less than 2% came from government funding. This shelter currently sees in excess of 40 thousand animals through its doors annually and has at present almost 700 animals either in care or in foster.

    Unfortunately in our increasingly litigious society the RSPCA has an obligation to ensure that animals that have long term behavioral issues do not potentially place foster carers and new owners at risk of personal injury.

    This shelter deals with truly horrific and painful injuries/illnesses to animals that result from cases of abuse and and accidents such as being hit by cars, this means that there will always be a need and a valid place for humane euthanasia practices.

    Finally the Veterinarians, veterinary nurses, animal behaviorists, inspectors and volunteers have chosen their career because they truly care for the welfare of all the animals they attend. They provide professional care and invest an enormous amount of time and emotional energy into what they do. To insinuate that they as part of an organisation actively seek to “kill” animals is in my opinion disrespectful to them both personally and as a profession.

    Whilst I applaud each individual that has had the courage to be counted and sign this petition it is my personal belief that doing so targets the very organisation that promotes a balanced approach animal welfare. This targeting the RSPCA as a result of one incident without accepting the wonderful work done in the main is a great disservice to the animal welfare cause. Maybe the petition should be directed to governments at all levels in order that they should legislate and apply greater and more meaningful penalties for individuals who deliberately or maliciously cause harm. Hopefully then the RSPCA can better use its funding through less animal presentations.

  47. Diana | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    This poor, precious puppy! He as so adorable! I am outraged! This so called “shelter” needs to be shut down and never allowed to open again! What the hell is wrong with these people? They had a loving family that wanted to adopt this dog, and refused, preferring to kill him over something as completely asinine as “separation anxiety.” This pup was blind and partially deaf, for God’s sake, he was special needs. Do they think we ought to put down special needs kids, too? Any decent shelter would have jumped at the chance to place him with someone who wanted him, there is nothing at all humane or decent about this one. He would have adjusted once he was used to being in a loving forever home. This family needs to organize protests outside this shelter, and make sure EVERYONE in the area knows what kind of monsters they are. I hope every local rescue group and foster group go to this shelter and adopt every single animal they have, and do everything in their power to make sure no new animals are brought in. Force this hell-hole to close down. I really wish they could be sued, but courts (wrongly) do not place any value on animal life, unlike those that know and love them. Actually, everyone in that area should write the central RSPCA organization and let them know that you will NEVER donate any money to the RSPCA again under ANY circumstances unless they fire EVERYONE at that particular shelter and change their policies and procedures in cases like this. If they think they will lose enough funding they use to pay their executives, they will do whatever they need to do to remedy the situation. Unfortunately, money is probably the only thing that will motivate to do the right thing, as they obviously do not care about the animals at all.

  48. Gael | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    I am sooo sorry for your loss !!!
    But not surprised !!!
    Everyone if you want to give your time or money to the animal cause please give to small rescues who rely solely on it and truly deserves it…bugger the RSPCA who are government funded anyways and a killing machine !

  49. Tracey Fitzwilliam | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    I am disgusted to think that so called animal rescuers would do this, didn’t they realise the only reason that poor dog was not happy at the shelter was because it was an unfamiliar place, being blind they need familiar surroundings so they are confident there is no danger I thought the RSPCA would have known this??? And to kill him is sooo wrong they have robbed him of a happy loving life and I hate them for that. REHABILITATE NOT ENHILATE!!! (sorry for the spelling) that should be everyone’s motto.

  50. Laine | August 1, 2013 | Permalink

    Another prime example of the ignorance and stupidity of the RSPCA!