358 comments to “Thomas”

  1. zenzi | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    I am in tears from reading this! What is wrong with them? Don’t speal enough english for telling what I feel!
    I have a Resuce Dog and I never understand humans!

  2. Anjana | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    Shut down RSPCA, they have no accountability, its an origination, that uses animals to generate support and funds so that the people who are employed can draw a salary.

    There is no love of animals nor respect for Life. I am pretty sure Thomas was put down as normal every day procedure, and mistakenly. So they had to make an excuse for his death. The person on duty at the time probably didn’t like the sound of his crying and thought it would be a solution to just take the life out of Thomas. How sad that people of this nature has to live among us.
    They have no conscience no feelings and no love for life. Brutal Murderers. I hope God will have a place in heaven for poor Thomas’s Soul. May the angels sooth him.

  3. John Cunningham | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    R .(Radical) S. (Society) P. (Pointlessly) C. ( Culling) A. (Animals)

    My heart is broken for Thomas….Fretting and pining for having a loving caring family… And then get’s put down cause it was missing the only love it had been shown in its short life…. No murdered, not put down..
    Shame Yagoona Shame…..

  4. Peggy Delisi | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    What a despicable organization!!!! I will NEVER give them another penny!!! Poor, poor, beautiful Thomas!! You could have had such a wonderful life with your foster family who wanted to make you a permanent part of their family. I grieve for your loss of life and for your foster family who were denied the pleasure of making you a permanent part of their family!!! May you R.I.P., dear Thomas!!! I pray the RSPCA will eventually get what is coming to them – and that is nothing good!!!

  5. candice ray | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    that is so sad. wrong just wrong. i am lost for words. sorry!

  6. Jackie | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    How sad, I’m horrified that such a respected organisation would act in this way when they recieve so much support. Poor Thomas. This needs investigating, is there not a charity onbudsman who could check records and see why this happened?

    • Pamela | August 4, 2013 | Permalink

      Jackie, unfortunately this is far from unusual with this organisation. I have heard so many similar stories recently. They are far from respected by so many people because of their kill policies….putting down dogs because they don’t “re-act” exactly as their moronic workers feel in their minds they should re-act. Given to good homes, these dogs would be perfect canine citizens if only given the chance. How these “so called judges” of a dogs fate can lie straight in bed at night utterly amazes me! They’re supposed to protect these beautiful souls, but all they seem to care about is how much they’re able to acquire in donations. I WILL NEVER GIVE MONEY TO THE R.S.P.C.A. until they do the job they were originally intended to do….care for animals in need, instead of turning into a “kill shelter”. Absolutely horrific what they did to Thomas, and the family that loved and wanted to adopt him!!! They should hang their heads in shame. I hope they are starting to realise how many people despise them for their actions.

  7. Maureen | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    Absolutely disgusting that these people were not allowed to adopt him after all the time they spend with this pup. I think the people who lied to these wonderful people should be punished. My heart goes out to this pup who deserved to live!

  8. Mongibello | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    They should be sued. They STINK.

  9. Theresa | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    These people are 100% pure evil. They must have sacrificed sweet Thomas in Satan’s name.

    Rest in peace, Thomas. Enjoy your new life with God.

    To the RSPCA: burn in Hell you MURDERERS!!

  10. Barbara | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    You call every radio, TV, newspaper, rescues, other vets and animal activist attorney in your area and start making noise.. and I real noise.. Tell them RSPCA, which I am assuming is party of the ASPCA… that they are ANIMAL KILLERS… and keep making noise… I am sure you heard about the Rottweiler who was shot by the Hawthorne Police Dept, in Hawthorne, Ca… (it went viral) they protest every week, hold meetings, called every TV, Radio Station, Newspapers, and attorney they could find.. and they are getting results

  11. darlingsapphire | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    Very sad, but in reality this dog should never have been left alone considering his afflictions, deaf,
    partially blind, and a broken leg. He was definitely in a state where he needed some living being to
    guide him, and it may have taken months. If he was a sheep dog, it would be somewhat difficult and a
    strain for him to do his so-called job. Thomas is in heaven now with no worries. God Bless Thomas.

  12. Klaus Maruska | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    That is just plain wrong and that place should be closed down and held accountable for those actions

  13. Renae Wilson | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    I would never support a group like this….Thomas had a home with a family that loved him and the shelter murdered him! This is a sorry organization! They care more about money than the life of a dog…..I hope you all choke to death on all that money!!!!!!!!!!!! You surely can’t take it with you when you die, but I truly hope you literally choke too death on it!

  14. Marissa B | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    Nooo people ! Why let one bad apple ruin the bunch ?! Clearly it was one/a few employees who were in the wrong here . This should be reported to head office (wherever you’re from) not blacklisted as an entire company fault. There are SO MANY honest , loving and compassionate shelters out there, don’t let this poison your dedication to volunteering/fundraising/support because of one spiteful and twisted staff member.
    There will always be employees who suck, who don’t deserve to work in good places like this… Call THEM out not the entire RSPCA.

    • Pat | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

      You are totally wrong there, this is common practice with the RSPCA, their kill rate is around 60% per year over all. Their temperament test is such that dogs, unless they have no feelings whatsoever, are meant to fail.

      They are not for the animals any more, only for what the executives in their flashy clothes and houses can get out of it.

  15. Jason | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    Unbelievable…I am speechless and disgusted that they took his life rather then give him the chance to live with you!! So sorry for your loss you did all that you could to try to save Thomas. RIP Thomas!!

  16. Hanne | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    OMG….. this is cruelty, they must have had that in mind from the beginning to kill him :) I am so so sorry for your loss. I really dont know what to say other than I am so so sorry :(

  17. Hanne | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    OMG….. this is cruelty, they must have had that in mind from the beginning to kill him :) I am so so sorry for your loss. I really dont know what to say other than I am so so sorry :( – Petition signed with love

  18. Wendy Guise | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    Some of these organizations are terrible. When I hear or read stories like this they make me so MAD and SAD! This poor dog who had sight and hearing problems, of course he would have separation anxiety being taken to a strange place. I cried for you Thomas. I’m so sorry you weren’t allowed to have a life.

  19. Maria Jose | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    I’m totally horrified! This morning I had to put down my 17 years old dog, and I am all day crying,but my dog had cancer.
    Why do these cruel people exist in this world??
    My condolences for this family.

  20. Tony castro | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    And this is happening in the biggest democracy of the world, terrible example of cruelty and lack of humane feelings ,people that act like that should be punished .Tony Castro Costa Rica.

  21. jess b | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    I am so very sad and angry about his. I cannot hardly believe this!! I will be so mindful of this organization.
    They must be sued. It will not bring back or undo the terrible harm they caused, or change the grief.
    it will bring more pain, and grief. But they can’t be let off the hook.
    People need to know of this.
    My heart goes out to the owners. I wish they could have gotten Thomas out of there from the start.
    Please people, I don’t have pets, but remember, don’t let people take advantage of anything, if you can, and don’t leave your pets (or children) with anyone, who does not show any respect for your rights, wishes or loved ones.
    I am so sorry for this terrible tragedy. They killed a poor defenseless dog. Let them have it!! and bring in all the media!!

  22. Brittany | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    This sounds like they killed him when he kept crying for attention or because of separation anxiety before you even received the first phone call. This is disgusting and unacceptable. Why if he was still alive would it be a problem for you to pick him up? They wouldn’t care probably. The reason you probably couldn’t pick him up is because maybe an employee already killed him out of anger or hurt him or whatever. Either way this place should be punished!

  23. Nicola | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    This is such a sad story I can only iimagine what you are all going through :0( This action from the RSPCA does not make any sense to me I would think they would be happy knowing that someone wanted to adopt this sweet little boy. These people are becoming desensitized to life.

  24. Jeri | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    It’s a shame this shelter never gave the chance of life to this defenseless animal. The RSPCA should be put down and closed down for behaving badly. There is something wrong with people who arbitrarily decide to take the life of an animal that not only could have been saved but could have had a normal life. Separation anxiety is not an excuse or reason and certainly not a justification for killing this dog or any animal in their care.

    They should be run out of business and pay consequences for their actions.

  25. Louise Peacock | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    This is beyond unbelievable. You offered to give the dog a home and these @$$holes kill the dog? What H is wrong with these people?

    Our present dog suffers from separation anxiety and we dealt with it. It took a while, but we were’t going to give up on her.

    Damn this organization for being an inhumane bunch of jerks.

  26. Vessa Gray | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    This is awful. My heart is with you and the lovely Thomas. This organisation should’ve closed. They are totally heartless.

  27. Tara | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    Lets be clear and level headed here.
    To the best of my knowledge this is true for the ASPCA as it is for the OSPCA here, so I’m guessing its the same for the RSPCA.
    The OSPCA branches operate under the umbrella of the OSPCA, yes, but they are each individual organizations run by different humans. Some of these managers are useless humans and should not be managing a shelter, however many if them are great and cringe at the same incidences we do.
    Blaming the entire MvDonalds corporation for one managers shirty morals and/or service is just as ridiculous as blaming the entire SPCA for one idiot managers shitty decisions.

    What we need to know is which RSPCA this was at and work on overhauling management!

    • Rachelle | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

      Sadly Tara, this is happening in the rspca’s Australia wide, you only have to do a little research to locate the other tragic stories similar to this one. Have a look and confirm this for yourself, then you’ll understand why so many people are so tired of the uncaring ways of the rspca.

  28. Chris Najor | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    To put a dog down for mild separation anxiety when there are people that are willing to help the dog is tantamount to murder. Reading this story made me physically ill. What can I do to help close this place down?

  29. Lorraine Phillips | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    How terrible. All the while I was reading that and looking at the pictures of beautiful little Thomas, I didn’t want it to be true that he was gone!
    I worked for the local Government for years and often heard the expression, ‘This is bureaucracy gone mad’, because the rules and regulations were adhered to so rigidly, irrespective of whether they made any sense or not. Well likewise here. Of course Thomas was upset but where’s the crime in that and who’s to say that it wasn’t because he sensed what was going to happen!
    I’m so upset about this and feel so much for his family. Thomas need not have gone but praise God he’s out of the way of terrible people like this now. God bless his dear heart with much joy at Rainbow Bridge until he gets to join with his family again one day.x

  30. Karen Richardson | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    This poor little chap would have been frightened through not seeing or hearing properly !! he was bound to gry when let as he would have been very confused.
    I will never give the RSPCA another penny I thought they were here to help not destroy poor animals.
    I agree they should be suede for this criminal act

  31. vicki | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    Once again I am appalled by such a travesty….having worked at an animal shelter for over 12 years, I cannot even believe that something this cruel could’ve taken place. The International organization for ASPCA should be notified and they should take action immediately. This facility and their workers/managers should be fired and never allowed to work with animals again…perhaps prison time for them! I am outraged and will make sure to post this on my FB page.

  32. westy chick | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    mmmm the RSPCA are NOT as kind as you mite think, I had an occasion to phone the to get some help with my dog and was bluntly told that if I cannot afford to care for my dog surrender him and he will be destroyed due to the fact of his breed, this shocked me, I really thought they were an organisation in the animals favour buy NO thay certainly are not, I will never do anything to help this organisation and I pity the animals that end up there, PLEASE DO NOT SUPPORT THE RSPCA TILL THAY GET THE PRIORITIES RIGHT !!!!

  33. Jason | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    RSPCA – Royal Society for the Prevention of CARE for Animals

  34. Helen | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    This truly made me cry!! I was reading this while looking down at my little boy who is very much a mums dog, there is nothing wrong with him, its his normal nature due to the fact he had a bit of a rough start in life due to needing a hip operation when he was only about 3 months old with lots of vet visits in his first 6 months, he follows me everywhere even when I am home, he loves people, has never bitten or been aggressive to anyone. If he was ever to be put into a shelter of any sort I really don’t think he would cope, let alone the fact he has only once had to stay at a boarding facility in his lifetime. To think if that was the case he would be put down due to separation anxiety of any sort is beyond belief and a stab in the heart!! I have done everything to make sure he his happy and healthy!! Shame on the RSPCA taking money from good hearted people believing they are donating to a worthy cause!!!

  35. Holly B. | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    After reading this story it seems that there may be an abuser of animals at this organization. I would suggest you send this to every newspaper and TV station in Sydney. Send it to all the humane agencies around the globe and blogasphere. This kind of thing should not be allowed to be an oh well, with a toss of the hands. Especially it there are other stories like this happening with this establishment. If youthenasha

    • Holly B. | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

      sorry I wasn’t finished but as you see my spelling got me in trouble with the add comment button! If euthanasia is there second response or if their employees can not handle a puppy who wants to go home they need to be investigated. I am sorry but to say that is an illness that a dog needs to be put down for there is something wrong. All dogs don’t like to be kenneled and away from their home if they feel loved.

  36. Kirsty | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    RSPCA, you should hang your head in absolute shame. I know this is not an isolated case, just another sad story about incompetence and ridiculous protocols. RSPCA Yagoona appears not to give a care about animal welfare and the public should speak loud and clear about their appalling practice. SHAME SHAME SHAME.

  37. terese b | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    So they killed the dog because he was too attached to you.
    Um, isn’t that what’s supposed to happen?
    So sad. He’s so cute.

  38. Kelly Wright | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    I am writing this from Cincinnati, Ohio, in the United States. I, too, am appalled at this action on the part of the RSPCA and stand with my animal-loving friends in Australia as you protest this organization’s inhumanity toward their charges. It appears this action is part of a pattern of choosing to kill animals rather than to allow them to become members of loving families. The internet is quickly changing how the “business” of shelters is done, and is highlighting for the world the overuse of euthanisia. It is time to change your practices, or be rendered obsolete and unfunded.

  39. Dee | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    Disgusting RSPCA. May the people who did this rot in hell!!!

  40. Michelle Perry | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    Heartbreaking – a pointless and callous death. The dog was clearly loved and thriving.

  41. pam holmes | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    Yet another example of just how the RSPCA “operate”. RIP little Thomas, so sorry for the family who were willing to give this pup a loving home.

  42. Tanya | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    Nothing but anger for the heartless and tears for the innocent, it does not need to be this way. ????

  43. JOhn BOy | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    wtg ..you gave him freedome ..The best ever from your pictrures story .
    I’ve done it before too and here they’re just as bad up sate new York Buffalo

  44. Sallyanne | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    How utterly heartbreaking

  45. Rachael | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    What a terrible thing to happen, what a gorgeous pup young Thomas was. I am so sorry for your loss, this just breaks my heart. I can honestly say I hadn’t heard of a story like this before and I find it truely shocking and appaling that they would do this to an innocent creature that had a loving family willing to take him and care for him.
    RIP Young Thomas ;(

  46. Michelle Shetab | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    Here I am leaving RSPCA in my will and my dogs in their care if I die. I do not think so anymore. RSPCA I now need convincing not to change my will and I demand you investigate this and change your stupid cruel policy .I want answers. Why did you not let these people adopt him. NOT HAPPY RSPCA.

  47. maria | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    I am so sorry, I have nothing to do with them after three separate occasions when I begged them for help to save 4 different dogs and was ignored. I gave my details despite the danger to me but to no avail. One dog starved to death after being returned to its drug affected owner, the other finally got hit by a car after being returned at least twice. Luckily the other two, mum and pup, we kidnapped. Please do not give up, make your own Thomas memorial and help the future Thomas’s.

  48. Rachelle | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    My heart breaks for the foster carers, I’m so very sorry that this has happened, after all your love and hard work for this precious boy. Please don’t let this stop you, please find a local struggling rescue group and continue your foster work with a group that will appreciate what you do. I personally run a no kill rescue group and we treasure our foster carers, and every single animal in our care.

    Time and again I am hearing stories like this, and we have foster carers who have joined us after similar events happening to them. When will these sad stories end, when will animals become the important to the rspca again? Sadly, I don’t believe it ever will.

  49. Debbie | July 31, 2013 | Permalink

    My elderly aunt and uncle have left the majority of their estate to the RSPCA and Animal Wefare League as they have no children and are animal lovers. I have told them that both of these society’s aren’t as good as they use to be as a friend that used to work with them has told me some terrible things and that they waste a lot of the money that is donated and people don’t know this. I will be definately be showing them this story and asking them to rethink their decision as to where they leave their estate when they pass, there are other animal welfare sites that have a no kill policy that could really do with their help..