June 14, 2012Comments are closed.dogs, Lost Dogs Home
While the news that Lennox’s owners have lost their appeal causes an enormous worldwide outcry, a more local but no less unjust murder is happening right here, right now in Australia. In early 2011, dog owner Nathan Laffan bought two dogs and named them Kooda and Bear. They were purchased from a byb as ‘American […]
Continue readingJune 12, 2012Comments are closed.dogs, Lost Dogs Home, resistance
Each year about 12,000 dogs enter the Lost Dogs Home Melbourne. About 7,000 will be collected by their owners, leaving about 5,000 unclaimed dogs needing protection. Allowing for the few days a year the Home closes, this is about 15 dogs per day. The Queen’s Birthday long weekend would be expected to be a busy […]
Continue readingJune 5, 2012Comments are closed.dogs, Lost Dogs Home
This is Tonka. On Feb 17th of this year, Tonka was seized by Kingston Council under the Victorian Government’s new ‘seize and destroy’ laws for unregistered dogs suspected to be of ‘pit bull type’. Tonka was loved. He was desexed, had not roamed or caused a problem in his community and by all accounts was […]
Continue readingJune 3, 2012Comments are closed.Lost Dogs Home
May 13, 2012Comments are closed.council pound, dogs, Lost Dogs Home
Up until just recently, a council could seize a dog it deemed to be a ‘pit bull’, take him to the pound who would then kill him, and only his owner would feel the pain of losing a family member. Today social media allows us powerful and immediate connection, so we ALL feel the pain […]
Continue readingMay 12, 2012Comments are closed.adoptions, advocacy, Lost Dogs Home, resistance, RSPCA
One of the things we need to decide as a community is just how much killing we’re willing to accept from our pounds and shelters. Because of the enormous diversity in how these organisations operate, we have shelters who choose to kill very few animals (either low kill, or No Kill shelters) and those who […]
Continue readingApril 8, 2010Comments are closed.cats, Lost Dogs Home, mandatory desexing, pet shops/puppy farming, RSPCA
I liked this idea when I saw it done on KC Dog blog and since I’ve recently installed Google analytics, I can now present… Saving Pets top five posts for March! 5) Mandatory desexing: why Victoria has it all wrong 4) Three simple actions that will change people’s perceptions of rescue dogs 3) Cats, the […]
Continue readingDecember 15, 2009Comments are closed.Lost Dogs Home, resistance
Thanks to Harry for the tip. From the Herald Sun… Buckley’s got a cute, new mate – his very own Buckley soft toy. The stuffed toys are an almost perfect replica of the maimed pup, right down to his hacked ears and stumpy tail. See others in the ‘ultra real LDH pound pets’ including a dead […]
Continue readingDecember 14, 2008Comments are closed.Lost Dogs Home, resistance
As rescues across the country brace for the xmas rush, one metropolitan council has taken the perverse step of reducing their communities capacity to save the lives of dogs and cats by enforcing a law previously ignored for 75 years. Council pounces, stripping Lort Smith of its pound status Victoria’s largest animal hospital has been […]
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