8 comments to “Chasing the monopoly – how big business is crippling Victoria’s community rescue groups”

  1. Michael | May 19, 2010 | Permalink

    I am dumb-founded and appalled. What have Victorians and their pets done to deserve this callous, draconian approach by a lazy, ignorant and spiteful government. I always thought we were one of the most enlightened communities in the world. Clearly that is not the case when it comes to animal rights and management. Also it is apparent that shelters need to be managed by carers, not business CEOs

  2. pam holmes | May 20, 2010 | Permalink

    I am also appalled!!, when eveyone else is moving forward, they step backwards, shame,shame,shame.

  3. Bridie | May 20, 2010 | Permalink

    What a disgraceful backwards step for animal rights. I work full time and also foster rescue dogs. Some stay a few weeks, others several months before the right home is found. There is no good reason why there should be a deadline on an animal’s chance to be rehomed. It is undoubtedly a callous and bureaucratic approach by government and the ‘super-shelters’. Many many more companion animals will die as a result of this short-sighted and ultimately dangerous plan.

  4. John | May 20, 2010 | Permalink

    I am appalled, I work in an animal shelter we have dogs here for up to a year trying to find a suitable home, and we do find them a home, to think that Victoria is doing this is beyond comprehension.

  5. Ian Forbes | May 20, 2010 | Permalink

    Victoria has certainly gone backwards here! Where was the consultation in this? It seems it’s been set up by the large pounds, for the large pounds with no input from those involved first hand in saving lives, and no consideration given to improving the already horrific kill rates in the pound system.

    Now is the time for rescue groups to join together and fight. This might just be what’s required to bring this issue to the public and let them know what is actually happening in our pound system.

  6. Mary K | May 21, 2010 | Permalink

    I am absolutely appalled and horrified! Shame, shame,shame on the Victorian Government and other organizations who have hatched this draconian scheme to kill off more beautiful animals. This is a massive step backwards in Animal Rights and Welfare.

    Now every Rescue Organization and Group must join together and fight for the rights of those who cannot speak for themselves!

    I agree with the comment above, this may just bring what’s actually happening to the public, who will surely be appalled at what is happening in the Victorian Pound system.

  7. Rosemary | May 22, 2010 | Permalink

    The rules on unweaned kittens/puppies imply they’re being given significant numbers without the mother. Can that be true for both species? I can see they might be getting litters of kittens that people have found outdoors, but it would be most unusual not to have the mother of very young puppies.

    Is there no way to insist that the person handing in the puppies should keep them until weaned? They could maybe offer free spaying for the mother as an inducement.

  8. Denise | June 8, 2010 | Permalink

    Well this just goes to prove that the Vic Govt and the RSPCA (who are no doubt supporting this) are all animal haters. How dare they say that orphan puppies and kittens cannot be fostered. What did these innocents do to deserve to be KILLED because their mother is unable to look after them for whatever reason. Hang your heads in shame Politicians in Victoria (and DogsVic who are apparently supporting this) – so glad I don’t live there!!