7 comments to “Vets who reunite pet & owner to be slugged $700. More genius animal management from VIC”

  1. Jim D. | March 18, 2013 | Permalink

    It’s time that someone put so-called ‘council officials’ in their place. According to out Attorney-Generay, councils aren’t legal, so any action or demand they make is unlawful.


  2. suezee zwart | March 18, 2013 | Permalink

    You have to be kidding!!!! What is wrong with the Victorian Government. We live in a democracy not a dictatorship. You can not penalise people for caring loving humanitarianism. I hope vets ignor the governments stupidity and continue to advise people when animals are found.

  3. Mark | March 22, 2013 | Permalink

    I have just read the sad story of Bobo who was a resident at the “Lost Dog’s Home” in Melbourne. If the government is planning to send dogs to this sort of place, there may not be many dogs left in Australia at all. How crazy are these people? Leave the dogs alone. BSL is only here because of a Commonwealth Import Restriction of five breeds and, apparently, some peoples acceptance of it. It is a useless system, and should be banned. I should also say leave the vets alone too, they are great people and are usually helping the community with their dogs and other animals.

  4. Nikeeta McLaughlin | March 26, 2013 | Permalink

    Do they plan to charge fees and fines for lost children too?
    This is so disgusting I’m ashamed to live in Victoria and afraid for my pets lives if they should ever go missing.
    Makes me want to spend my spare time outdoors as a vigilante lost pet rescuer, finding and reuniting them with their families!
    Maybe the networks could make a reality TV show with me and publicise the need for such am individual……

  5. Patricia Wheeldon | March 26, 2013 | Permalink

    You’ve got to be kidding me right? Vets are doing a great job finding the owners and now some bureaucratic disgusting revenue-raising morally-bereft governance are putting their hands out for money from the vets/owners?? What a disgrace!

  6. Ian Luke | March 26, 2013 | Permalink

    This is a continuation of the Victorian State Government’s ignorant and relentless attack against companion animal ownership. The current Breed Specific Legislation is so bad, the Agriculture Minister, The Dishonorable Peter Walsh, has the power, WITHOUT GOING BACK TO PARLIAMENT, to add ANY breed to list, at ANY time, for ANY reason. WE, as a group of pet owners who vote, need to send our elected representatives a message that we DEMAND they pull their heads out of their clackers and stop this stupidity. I emailed my local member, well as Walsh and the Premier, only yesterday about the wider issues (I wish I had seen this earlier). You can read my entire email here: http://ianrluke.wordpress.com/2013/03/25/a-letter-to-our-pollies/ I wish the media would stop chasing the cheap and easy headlines and instead demand our politicians explain why they have saddled us with a piece of law which history shows does not work, logic and science says can not work, and worse, is barbaric and endangers lives.

  7. Michele Nimmo | March 27, 2013 | Permalink

    This is what I wrote directly under the article in the Herald Sun:

    “I find it ludicrous that the DPI bureaucracy are now enforcing a 10 yr rule that many vets still have no idea existed – I have contacted the local vets in my own area to encourage them to apply for a Section 84y and suggest that others do the same in your own local areas, so vets can continue to assist without getting into trouble.

    WHY is the DPI enforcing this NOW and threatening decent vets with huge fines – simply by assisting animals to be returned home where they belong? What is the purpose that the ONLY people and animals who will be punished by this enforcing are those that responsibly microchip and keep contact details updated, so their animals can be returned immediately. All other animals are sent to the pound anyway if no owners are contactable. The emotional and physical welfare of the animals in question are not being considered her whatsoever and that is APPALLING! If council can’t be contacted why should vets be mandated to hold animals until council is open to collect and not just contact the owner for return? The majority of animals in Melb go to the 2 largest shelters, LDH & RSPCA – the distance to collect is ludicrous as is the fines – NO JUSTICE for the lost animals!”