4 comments to “Lost Dogs Home Pet Fest”

  1. karen harding | February 16, 2013 | Permalink

    These statistics and errors of judgment and practice tell a damning tale. What a misnomer the word “home” is.

  2. Diane Fox | February 16, 2013 | Permalink

    The Lost Dogs Home and the Lost Cats Home – the death rate is appalling. I will certainly inform friends of the high numbers of murders in these cruel facilities – for dogs and cats????

  3. Helen Brocker | February 17, 2013 | Permalink

    This is the sad thruth of how a multi million dollar ‘business’ is able to take millions in donations from good people who believe they are helping animals. It is a disgrace that should not be allowed to continue. Many of us were once LDH supporters and I ask anyone who is in doubt to go looking, do your own research and you will also come to this conclusion. Thank you Shel for setting it out so clearly for everyone to see. As usual, you have hit the nail on the head.

  4. Mel Marlow | February 19, 2013 | Permalink

    I just stumbled across these old conference notes. They’re quite an interesting read & provide a good insight into how Dr Smith sees things in relation to pound contracts/services. What I found even more interesting was the amount of data & statistics they capture. They’re extremely proud of these stats as they provide proof 2council that they are doing their job. Now why on earth can’t they collect the same detail of data on shelter admissions?..
