4 comments to “‘Pit bull’ hype still rules aussie media”

  1. Bonnie Norton | October 31, 2012 | Permalink

    I see the media is still using poor old Rocky. This Rotty x just happened to be at the pound when the media rocked up looking for a picture of a vicious “Pit Bull”.

    The Pit Bull types that were incarcerated at the time were all too friendly so they took a photo of Rocky instead who was not too happy with his lot.

    I know this as it was told to me at the time by a now ex council ranger that was present.

  2. Ken Drake | November 1, 2012 | Permalink

    Great blog. The National Canine Research Council in the US investigate each dog attack fatality in the US and have some interesting info. They put their yearly reports here http://www.nationalcanineresearchcouncil.com/dogbites/dog-bite-related-fatalities/ These reports show that although many media stories blame Pit Bulls frequently its not actually Pit Bulls involved.

    This whole BSL issue makes me sick.

    Anybody who knows anything about dog behaviour (and who doesn’t directly profit from the pet shop trade) will tell you that its fearful dogs that attack, fearful dogs are likely to be undersocialised, and that dogs sold in pet shops are highly likely to be undersocialised. But will they ban selling dogs in pet shops? Surely that would be a whole lot easier than BSL? Just a whole lot less profitable.

  3. Brad Griggs | November 13, 2012 | Permalink

    Great blog post!

    Let’s not forget that it’s not just the media that are pushing this agenda. The Pet Industry Association of Australia (PIAA) have also politicked and utilised the public outrage to try and land themselves some extra media attention and a seat on a government panel.

    “there is a problem with the pit bull breed”

    What hope do we have when we have supposed peak industry bodies echoing the media driven sensationalist drivel that fuels the fearful and reactionary public opinions that grows support for the regressive, oppressive and ineffective BSL based policies instituted and strengthened here in Victoria, Australia.

    PIAA aren’t the only organisations that do damage whilst making a living off the dog’s back – APDT and Delta Society have been sitting on their hands throughout recent times, with little or no attempt to influence correct thought on the matter.

    At least the NDTF include a BSL element in their education and were the key sponsors of a rally to protest BSL. They can be applauded for not fence sitting, and for doing their part.

    It is blogs like this one that help promote a sensible message – one of responsible canine guardianship and owner onus.

  4. […] Saving Pets, as always, posted a bunch of good content.  They looked at a year in NSW pounds in terms of ‘bad’ stats, and then in terms of ‘good’ stats (and the ‘good’ doesn’t include the RSPCA, surprise!). They posted, “The UK leaves Australian animal shelters for dead” and “‘Pit bull’ hype still rules aussie media“. […]