14 comments to “‘Facebook is being mean’ ~ local council dog snatchers”

  1. cj | August 25, 2012 | Permalink

    Hooray for social networking – at last, people are finding out the truth about the sorry state of animal “welfare” in Victoria, and the real cost of the appalling BSL legislation. To the councils, boo hoo. How awful, that you might be held accountable for your actions. How awful, that people might find out what is going on.

  2. Lea | August 26, 2012 | Permalink

    Yay for social networking & too bad so sad councils! I hope this new wave of forced accountability continues to expand & extends beyond the dog issue to ALL facets of how councils manage their budgets & spend OUR money!

  3. Crystal Steiniger | August 28, 2012 | Permalink

    Keep the Pressure on.. I do not believe in threatening people.. But we will not sit silently while City Council’s and Mayor’s.. kill our pet (family members).. Especially if they have done nothing to condone being killed except for BSL Law’s.>> which is pure Racism in dogs.Keep Standing!! Educate the world what is going on in your Backyard. To All the dogs they have murdered.. Lennox, Wicca, and to all the other’s that were murdered by Breed Specific Legislation (BSL). You will not be forgotten!! Freedom of Speech!!

  4. kel leigh | August 29, 2012 | Permalink

    What a load of crap this is ….. ppl need wake up

  5. S.J. DeClue | August 29, 2012 | Permalink

    I don’t believe in threats…However, what the heck do they expect when they take what is a “family member” and murder it???? Most of the people who believe in BSL are control Freaks and used to bullying people around. They employ an archaic barbaric piece of legislation even when they know it is proven not to work, because of this fact. It’s just an outlet for their twisted and perverted sense of lording it over others. Most of the people on councils like this have this “All Powerful Ruler Type” image of themselves. They all forget they are supposed to be Public Servants of the People. We all know BSL does not work (and so do they)nor does it serve the people. It does my heart good to hear them whine and complain when others give em a taste of their own medicine…lol!

  6. Michelle Palmertree | August 29, 2012 | Permalink

    These members of the council are hilarious! I can’t believe they think anyone would feel sorry for the murdering, inhuman scum.

    Lennox, Wicca, Piggy and the many nameless that are gone thanks to the likes of them will never be forgotten and we WILL continue to fight and talk about you SO ALL THE WORLD CAN SEE!


  7. L. Englund | August 29, 2012 | Permalink

    Aww, poor babies. Hmm I think I may have been threatening….that they should be investigated, charged with animal cruelty, perjury and misrepresenting the laws to their immoral ideals. They threaten families into turning in their pets under the ruse that if they don’t it certainly will be pts. Then they put them to sleep anyway with no sort of representation of experts (real ones) and no idea of what they are really doing. If you can dish it out then you gotta take it. They are so afraid that the world knows what they did was wrong, that bsl is wrong and their time is up. Time to leave government kushy jobs. Time to stop the serial killing of innocent animals.

  8. Kat Georgiades | August 29, 2012 | Permalink

    I think it’s about time that the general public had a platform where they could voice their opinions with regards to the inhumane way that these pets are being seized from their homes and most times WITHOUT CAUSE.
    It’s also high time that the councils and different bodies that are involved with trying to enforce these barbaric laws of BSL and DDA are stood up against. The public has the right to be able to voice their opinion ESPECIALLY if it is their dog that has been murdered in the name of these insane laws. The councils have literally got away with murder for far too long and have not been held accountable for their unjust actions for way too long. So all of that stand against BSL and DDA KEEP THE VOICE LOUD AND PROUD – We stand together to fight and beat these barbaric laws in this a supposedly civilised age!!!!

  9. Veronica | August 29, 2012 | Permalink

    Social networks get the issues out there, as Belfast City Council knows only to well.
    The way they treated and are still treating a family is disgraceful. I am against threatening behaviour but this will hopefully make officials aware that this BSL law is a farce it should be based on the DEED NOT THE BREED, and the officials should really make certain that they have crossed all the t’s and dotted all the I’s and they have done everything by the book – because you are being watched by the world.

  10. Jayne | August 29, 2012 | Permalink

    It’s people power – without Facebook it would be some other method.. people have always shouted out for what they believe in and particularly when it means the harm or death of innocent animals or people there are a lot of feelings that rise in people – it’s human nature.

    Big up the animal-support on Facebook and EVERYWHERE!!!

  11. Holly | August 29, 2012 | Permalink

    Just ask Belfast City Council before and after they murdered Lennox. Social media is a wonderful tool.

  12. Kaz Wolf | August 30, 2012 | Permalink

    I think it also needs to be acknowledged that much of what is referred to as threats is actually the truth being exposed. I have attended a number of BSL cases in VCAT. At time I have posted just simple truths of what actually happened and the conduct of witnesses, including council officers. No lies, no threats, just facts about their statements and conduct in the hearings. These have been removed from sites and when I asked why, I was informed that they reserved the right to delete offensive posts. Hmmm, the truth is offensive, apparently! Now that is something the police should investigate.
    And, again, for the sake of truth, the article above refers to “dangerous dog legislation”. Can’t they even try to get the facts right – it is Breed Specific Legisaltion causing the angst, not “dangerous dog legislation”. In many of the VCAT hearings, even the council officers involved testified that the dog in question was friendly (in one case “the friendliest and most well mannered dog they had ever met”), good natured, well trained and obedient. However, this is excluded (not considered in the evidence) as by the process of this law it is IRRELEVANT to the BSL hearing. The article also says the owners should be well informed of their legal options and should take that option. It does not recognise the FACT that in most of the cases the council has mis-informed the owners of their rights and how the process worked which leads to them making poor decisions about how to move forward. There are volunteers who have identified these owners at their first directions hearing who have informed them of their actual rights and what needs to be done and these poor owners are always caught by surprise (often stunned) at the reality of what actually happens. Council Officers doing their job indeed! I see very little evidence of it being done properly, impartially and correctly. Now let’s see if this is considered to be a threat????

  13. Deborah Brown | August 30, 2012 | Permalink

    BOOHOO!! Stop killing innocent animals and you won’t have to worry about what’s said about you on social networking. But as long as you’re killing people’s innocent pets, this will continue. I’m so happy that social networking has come along and is WORKING to save animals. The population of the world is being enlightened to what is happening to animals and it’s a good thing.

  14. Ditej | August 30, 2012 | Permalink

    I don’t believe any dog lover would do that..Those who love dogs actually value love,compassion and life…and trust me, these feelings are for both animals as well as humans..cuz DOGS/CATS teach us the art of LOVE not HATRED>.its just the anger because there is a lot of injustice to these animals and it becomes unbearable most of the times because COPS are shooting INNOCENT ANIMALS…
    DOGS are being SEIZED unnecessarily..
    I guess what needs to be done is to re-evaluate your criteria of labelling an animal…

    A lot of INTROSPECTION is needed..plus there is a need to CHANGE THE LAWS and make them more JUSTIFIABLE..!

    An Animal Lover