4 comments to “The missing 100,000”

  1. Paul archer | July 12, 2012 | Permalink

    Well said! I made a comment in our NSW Taskforce submission that the RSPCA NSW has become a financially motivated business. Animals are ther business – take away the animals …and what happens to the business model? Draw yiur own conclusions!

  2. Tim | July 12, 2012 | Permalink

    The origin of the 250,000 figure is interesting.

    It first emerged in the mid-2000s, and it’s source was possibly the NDN. I recall at that time they were citing 200,000 as the number, then at some point it crept up to 250,000.

    Although we have never seen how this figure was derived, the repetition of the number time and time again by many different sources has made it a “truth”.

    I would say that without substantiation, this number is at best a ‘worst case scenario’ and at worst an exaggeration.

    What’s worse, the number’s quoted never describe the source/s of these animals. We’re just left (encouraged) to assume that every one of them was dumped at the shelter’s doorstep by an irresponsible person.

    We know that when studies are done on the sources of these animals, this is simply not true.

  3. Tegan | July 13, 2012 | Permalink

    Thank-you so much for this! Only this week I went seeking for the source of ‘250 000’, and came up blank.

  4. cj | July 14, 2012 | Permalink

    Brilliant work.