5 comments to “Changes to VIC code of practice for shelters (and why you should care)”

  1. Paul Archer | April 3, 2011 | Permalink

    Excellent report! but, what exactly is the closing date for submissions? – I cant locate this anywhere on the DPI website nor the format in which they require submissions??? Thanks

  2. savingpets | April 3, 2011 | Permalink

    Hey – how weird! There’s nothing on the website about how to make submissions.

    This is from the original email, sent third hand to me;

    Written submissions on the proposed Code should be sent:

    By post to the Code Review Project Officer, Bureau of Animal Welfare, 475 Mickleham Road, Attwood, Victoria, 3049; or

    By email addressed to [email protected]

    The call for submissions has been advertised in the Government Gazette and Herald Sun and submissions will only be accepted until end of business 29 April 2011. Department employees will not accept verbal submissions from stakeholders or members of the public, response to telephone enquiries will be limited to providing information on the process for making submissions on the proposed Code.

    I will add to the post.

  3. Annie Gr | April 3, 2011 | Permalink

    I had the same question Paul.
    Thanks for asking and thanks for answering SavingPets

  4. Mike Bailey | April 3, 2011 | Permalink

    The DPI site gives no indication that this is only a proposed version of the code.

  5. Annie Gr | April 14, 2011 | Permalink

    “If you are a community rescue group that will have to work under this new Code, I highly recommend making a formal submission from your group.”

    I am assuming individuals can also make submissions.