July 5, 2013Comments are closed.RSPCA
Braveheart was collected by police and passed on to local rescue group SAFE Broome in the middle of June. He was so underweight and neglected, he was almost unrecognisable as the mastiff that he should be.
Understandably, the RSPCA WA was contacted and they are keen to potentially prosecute Braveheart’s ex-owner. However, rather than leave Braveheart in Broome where he has a foster home, a reputable rescue group looking out for his welfare and the support of local pet lovers – the RSPCA WA have this week seized him and flown him to their kennels in Perth.
Many, many questions. Let’s hope there are some compassionate, happily-ever-after answers for this brave boy.
jeez lets hope they dont do what i think they wont too :(
I know what the RSPCA will do….What they always do. Why couldn’t they just leave him with people who were bringing him back to health. What did it cost to retrieve him? Money they could have spent on saving other animals. Idiots.
Please save this brave boy, he surely deserves this.
this dog deserves a second chance..please save him
Why would you take this boy from a stable warm loving home and put him into kennels, cold concrete kennels . Thas just stupid