5 comments to “Killing pets in the face of alternatives – Walgett Shire Council”

  1. Hollie duthie | January 4, 2013 | Permalink

    How can a mother with 2 children clearly be lied to and bullied this is wrong on so many levels ……. This ranger is a disgrace to wallet council and should be removed from the postition held …..SHAME SHAME SHAME

  2. Jane | January 4, 2013 | Permalink

    An appalling case of abuse of trust. Yes, the owner surrendered her dog but she did not know it was going to be shot. The ranger is a liar and is in the wrong job. Yes, take surrendered dogs but do like the pounds that I go to – tell their owners that they will be euthanased. Mostly it makes no difference but I’m sure it would have in this one.

  3. Walgett Resident | January 4, 2013 | Permalink

    I live in Walgett and have heard through the grapevine that this has happened to two other families (at least) in the town of Walgett. This guy is a BULLY and needs to be STOPPED!

  4. K Downs | January 8, 2013 | Permalink

    From Walgett Council’s statement on this incident, they are backing their staff member and seem surprised that such public interest has been generated – well hello! Time to come into the 21st century! The community doesn’t want people or animals to be treated like this. How can they not have an agreement with a local vet? How can they treat vulnerable families with such dishonesty and lack of integrity? How can you blame a puppy for puppy behaviour and shoot a second dog because it has fleas? This just stinks. It’s time for a major attitude-shift at Walgett Council.

  5. Michelle Alber | January 10, 2013 | Permalink

    You can read the full story here:

    One point I would like to emphasise is that Ninja’s owner is adamant that she did not want to surrender Ninja and she only signed the forms because she thought she had no choice. The ranger did not explain her rights and she did not read the surrender papers because she said she was so upset at the thought she had to surrender Ninja. According to her reports, the ranger arrived on her doorstep uninvited and unannounced, banging on the side of her house early in the morning. He came, rope in hand telling her that he had come for her dog. At the time he arrived at the property, Ninja was tied up in his own yard. The owner is adamant that the ranger had never previously given her any notice that Ninja was a nuisance. I had the Director investigate this story and he confirmed that no Nuisance Notices had ever been issued against any dog for this owner in the previous 3 yrs. No evidence was provided that in fact it was Ninja knocking over bins. Walgett council contined to embelish their report of the story after the original report of events given to me by their Director. It looks very much like Council is just trying to cover up what happened and to justify their non compliance with the legal requirments.

    Walgett Council also zeized and killed another little stray dog on the same day, again failing to comply with the legal requiements to keep this dog for the 7 day statutory period.

    From their Annual Reports displayed at their website, it can be seen that this Council has a history of 100% “euthanasia” for cats and not much better for dogs, year after year… after year. Year after year they report they have not accessed funding from the Companion Animal Fund for education programs. They don’t even advertise pound animals as looking for homes on their website. The indications are that this is a lazy, apathetic council which does not care about the right of pound animals or their owners, nor complaince with their legal obligations under the Comapanion Animal and other relevant legislation.

    Please could you help by posting comments under the Daily Liberal’s 4 stories about this case, and by emailing a letter to the editor

    [email protected]

    Please tell Walgett Council what you think of their companion animal management at [email protected]
    Attention: Director Planning & Regulatory Services: Mr Matthew Goodwin

    Thank you for your support.

    Michelle Alber- President
    Sydney Pet Recue & Adoption