14 comments to “The Lost Dogs Home wants me ‘humanely euthanised’”

  1. savingpets | March 1, 2011 | Permalink

    Thanks to everyone who commented and I’m sorry to have held them up in the queue. I really needed to take the weekend to reflect on, and de-stress from, the last fortnight which has obviously been hard on everybody.

    But in doing so, I got to have a few light bulb moments on why I felt it important to put my thoughts on the situation ‘out there’, rather than do the easy thing and just let it all play out behind the scenes.

    I’ve never liked ‘playing politics’ when doing so came at the cost of animals’ lives. This of course often runs counter to having a successful ‘career’ in the animal welfare industry (worst luck!). But I also think challenging conventional thinking is where we can all do the most good, so while it would be easier to sit down, shut up and accept things for how they are, it personally has never been how I roll.

    I can’t expect others to face their own resistance, champion their own life saving initiatives in their own communities in the face of great personal cost, if I’m not willing to do it myself. I found strength in the bravery of others. Those people who stand up and demand change even when the (often powerful) status quo has turned up the heat. Doing anything less myself, is an insult to everyone who has supported me. And to the animals I am working for.

    If they’re trying to make it about *YOU* vs *THEM*, they’re simply trying to deflect from the facts. This is actually ok, and as it turns out, the fear of being personally attacked, is actually worse than the reality. Stick to the facts; call out any bullies and don’t let them isolate you. Go to your community for support.

    Remember outcomes are key. I’m only ‘against’ one thing – the unnecessary killing of pets, in the face of viable alternatives to killing. I love my cause and I feel blessed to be doing this work. Sometimes its the fun stuff I love, like working with rescue groups to do awesome marketing and events. Sometimes its researching successful initiatives and building projects around them. In comparison, getting dragged into advocacy takes me away from my love and into the muck. But again, it’s about the animals, so you have to try, try, try every avenue you can to get the results you seek.

    They want you to; get tired, get scared, think twice, start to think it’s impossible, give up. Just as hard as you are fighting, they will fight to stop you. It sucks, but that is why you have to find great people who can support you and help you keep focused on the goal. I am passionate, but I have an equally passionate support network, which is the only reason I’ve been able to keep at it as long as I have. Those like-minded connections are vital.

    “Never doubt we’ll succeed”. Was the message Nathan Winograd had written in the first copy of Redemption I ever read. I can’t even begin to imagine what it would be like advocating in a pre-Redemption era… but the great news is, we don’t have to. The blueprint is out there. The hurdles have all been overcome before. The same villains and heroes appear in every repeat of the No Kill story in every community. And in every instance, those who champion killing are ousted, rejected by their own communities for continuing to kill, long after pet-lovers embraced those programs which made it unnecessary.

    Thank you again for your continued support, bravery and tenacity. We are the future of animal welfare in Australia. And that future is looking bright for pets.


    ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ………..

  2. Julia | March 18, 2011 | Permalink

    Its not just the Lost Dogs home – many rescue shelters, council pounds etc need to improve their attitudes and behaviours. The general public have no idea how ugly it can be and probably would be shocked if they knew how some people in dog rescue behaved to other people, let alone the dogs. I say the only way to have change is to acknowledge the issues and then work together to overcome them. I also think the shelter system has had its day and that fostering animals is the way to go. Dogs in shelters that are not well resourced and lack $ and vollies struggle to fulfill the dogs needs and often end up with dogs with ‘issues/behaviours’ that seem too hard to address and end up killed. I know because we foster the hard cases that enlightened shelters realise need specific attention. We are not always quick enough to help those in need :-( Keep up the good work. There can be no movement forward if the facts are not acknowledged about the negatives in dog rescue.

  3. Annie Gr | March 18, 2011 | Permalink

    Thanks for exposing this.
    It does not surprise me at all.

  4. Felicity | March 18, 2011 | Permalink

    “Effective action is always unjust.” – Maya Angelou

    Keep chipping away!

  5. Lou Beaumont | March 18, 2011 | Permalink

    For God’s sake and for the sake the animals, don’t ever stop blogging. In fact we should all do more of it. It creates a pool of thought from which we can all draw and, more importantly, is a way of sharing input and ideas that could, finally, bring conclusion to this madness. You have my 100% support.

  6. michelle | March 18, 2011 | Permalink

    i belong to another rescue group and know that they have received similar threats or name calling from dogs home. Its a pity they didnt expend as much effort to save more animals, shame LDR, shame

  7. sueanne | March 19, 2011 | Permalink

    This is all very sad and a frustrating subject.
    I believe that best way to stop this is to make the councils impose a huge fine for those who do not register their dogs. To register a dog they must provide veterinary proof that the animal has been desexed unless you intend to breed, therefore you must provide proof that you are registered with Dogs NSW. I believe that within a few short years you would see the number of abandoned animals in the shelters decline. Until owners are made to desex their animals this is going to continue to happen. We can not rehome all the animals.

  8. Mel Marlow | March 20, 2011 | Permalink

    What a shame to hear that LDH have decided 2take that approach. Nobody likes hearing bad things about themselves – I’m going 2b optimistic &; say that at least it shows that they’re listening & that they do care. Lets hope LDH take the facts that u have published in this blog (&; that r contained in their annual report) & rise to the challenge to prove u wrong. Surely that wld b a more useful tactic for them & the animals that come into their care.

    I think what they’ve failed 2realise about ur blog is that it has harnessed an ever growing group of ordinary people who don’t work in shelters, but care a lot about shelter animals. these people r intelligent & seek all the facts (good & bad) so that they can make informed decisions on which organisations they want to volunteer for, what they can do to help & which shelter/rescue group they will donate their money to. we r ur allies

  9. Margaret Dalziel | March 20, 2011 | Permalink

    It is a shame that it has to be a ‘them and us’ situation in regard to welfare systems, disappointing that we all can’t work together, tragic that the animals are the pawns being sacrificed.

    When this sort of thing occurs it only makes us wonder more what their true intentions are, what it is they are fearful of losing: power? money? more than that?

    In a democratic society we do have the right to question the truth. It is also a given that for those like yourself who do this publicly, some kind of retaliation can be expected in the hope of curtailing such a thing.

    If there is one thing I fear it is a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’.

    The future of animal welfare has shifted in late years, it is now moving into the domain of private rescue and less into mainstream shelters. Mainstream shelters existed for a long time and were autonomous to themselves. They could fully blame the public and request that same public to shore them up financially.

    They don’t have to explain what they do with that money but they should by law be required to.

    There has to be a better future for the animals. We have to be able to ‘question’ as part of this future, without fear of recriminations.

  10. christy | March 20, 2011 | Permalink

    People who go on a massive defensive instead of looking to change is a sign of guilt. I would not back down and would not silence the true as the true will out in the end no matter how much they protest. By going to your backers they only enrage those of us who totally support you and back you and that is every pet owner in australia. We are all waiting to help and you just have to call and we can organise a picket outside their shelter that will name and shame.

    We need their operators to know we will not go away and we will not be silenced.

  11. Kerry | March 20, 2011 | Permalink

    It never ceases to amaze me how political “Rescue” has become. I have seen rescue groups fall apart and splinter because of people who have discovered that there is power in politics, and they then get agendas that are about finding a platform to be “right”.

    When you have to be right – then you often feel you need to make others ‘wrong’.

    I have helped many individuals and groups, but dislike getting involved in tussles unless they are where we are working at common goals to change the path of community and council, or state or federal laws to change for the betterment of the voiceless animals that we have stated we wish to save, rescue, love.

    Bless the rescuers who truly get in there and do the work – adn those who enable them to do their work – unhindered – yet guided with knowledge, education, sincerity and generosity of spirit to save lives!

    Petrescue has been one of the most visible and effective ways to get stories out – and to help change that “Rescue’ stigma to one of acceptance adn embrace!

    I work in rescue – have for over 20 years – have been hands on in the field, and have provided advice and training for those who asked or needed it!

    When humans band together for a common goal we can achieve so much. May Pedigree continue to see that Petrescue is a platform that delivers life to those who may have been completely abandoned and been put to the needle…….. and importantly to their marketing drive… that they have differentiated themselves in the market as a company that values compassion, thereby attracting better brand awareness that leads to loyal customers.

    All I can say is that those ‘shelters’ that seek to bring other rescue methods into the glare of a spotlight must first be willing to take that glare themselves… for so long now, the truth has been hidden… it cannot always remain so..

    We must all continue to work toward the rescue of these creatures who need us, and to the naysayers and bullies… we must stand strong, together and fight the good fight!

  12. Angela | March 21, 2011 | Permalink

    The stats speak for themselves but they would rather put a muzzle on you than fix their own serious problems ? Keep at it Shel… true rescuers love you… so do the animals. The cancer at LDH is well documented in archives as well as your blog which sadly I only just found.

  13. Jaye | March 21, 2011 | Permalink

    The only big surprise was the little amount of dogs they have saved as opposed to euathanising. This should be a public scandal!!

    I’m so sick of supposedly almost ‘saint like’ (said with dripping sarcasm organisations having a distinctly dark side and immediately go into attack mode if they are DARED exposed or questioned!

    Marketing and PR exercises do a lot to cover up questionable fund spending and welfare of the dogs of such groups are suppose to help!

    I stopped giving to the Lost Dogs Home the day they decided anything they deemed to be a Pit Bull was issued an automatic death sentence. I sent back there donation slip expressing my disgust at that decision and a request NOT to send me anymore solicitations for donations etc.

    They still bloody send them and they’re automatically binned. The next one they send I will quote their appalling statistics and tell them to shove it!

    It takes A LOT OF GUTS to speak up and face the wrath of a powerful and wealth organisation especially, so well done.

    I hope EVERYBODY backs you and the media gets involved.

  14. Lisa J Ryan | March 22, 2011 | Permalink

    Rescue, saving lives and advocating for change and improvement for the voiceless ones is a passion that comes from within. Right and wrong to me is as simple as black and white. I don’t see it as something complicated. Yes sometimes the stress and the consequences can be hard, but the good thing about passion is that it is passion, and people get passionate when it is the right thing to do. Like many I will continue to advocate for the LDH cats and dogs and all the others as well along with other unjust treatment of our companion animals. To me saving lives from puppy factories, cruelty or pounds is the same – it is about saving lives and continuing to advocate for much needed change on behalf of all those who do not have a voice.

    ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’ (or words to that effect)