1 comment to “Good night Tex”

  1. LynnO | February 19, 2009 | Permalink

    Wow. Thanks. I’ve heard that “self-talk” before and it makes me crazy.

    I know I can’t save them all. And I know that no one other person can either. But it is just so frustrating that we can’t ALL work together…because I think there are more caring people on this planet than there are animals in need. So collectively, we COULD save them all!!!

    But we have to get past our judgement and shame.

    We have to be willing to say: Life is better than Death.

    And that means that people who invest their egos in their pets have to get over it. (There are those who choose to have their pets killed when they die because “nobody could love them as much as I do?!”)

    The public isn’t uncaring! Animal Contol is out of control. They need to tap into the compassion of their community to make Life possible.